Web viewers make snap judgements. Your average visitor decides to stay or go in 15 seconds. That’s why all of your design choices have to be excellent. Great content, a strong call-to-action, beautiful colors and clean fonts can all be undermined by a cheesy photo. On the other hand, a strong photo image can keep people on your website long enough to really get your message.

Keep it real
Online customers are sophisticated. One way they judge your product or company is by the authenticity of your images. No one believes that those five business-suited men and women shaking hands on your front page actually work for you – no more than that woman wearing the headset, is “waiting for your call, 24-7”. Photos that read as “fake” or “generic” can trigger a quick exit from your site.
Great photos make an emotional connection
Whether you’re having a professional photographer prepare your web images or you’re purchasing stock photos, be sure to choose wisely. Your images should make a believable, emotional connection with your customer and make them feel comfortable trusting you and your product or service. If you have a useful product, show people using it. Food product? Show people enjoying it. Show people giving or receiving the service your company supplies. Handmade product? Show the hands that made it.
Product Shots
Your products are the heroes on your commerce site, so here are a few ideas for getting great product shots.
- Shoot large, high quality photos that show the product details.
- Shoot multiple angles so the customer can view all sides of the product.
- Be consistent. Your background and lighting should be the same for all of your products.
A Professional Look
Whether you have the skills to make your own images, or you’re hiring a pro to shoot photos for your website, remember that consistent, professional imagery will inspire confidence in your prospective customer.
Now that you’ve got some great images, be sure to make them search engine friendly by adding Names, Titles, and Alt text when you post them.