Many website owners think a better website means a complete overhaul – a brand new website. In some cases that may be true, but a couple tweaks can make the difference between bland and BOLD. There are hundreds of things you could be doing. But here are some ideas you can put into action RIGHT NOW.

Figure out your site’s main goal – Why do you have a website? What do you want your site to do? After you figure out these two questions, make sure your website accomplishes these goals. Take action add or delete pages, restructure your site, update page information whatever it takes. Make your goal a top priority and let your team know what that goal is and make plans to meet those goals.

Get the basics RIGHT – Have you spelled everything correctly on your site? Are there any broken links or pages that are under construction? There is nothing more frustrating to visitors and potential customers than a site that is broken or sloppy. Clean–up your site and make sure it works. Your website is the front door of your organization make a good impression!

Stay true to your branding – Did you just update your logo or change your company colors? Make sure your brick and mortar experience matches your online Frog_with_wrenchexperience. It helps to create brand awareness so customers recognize your company. Repetition is not bad it is critical. Be consistent and repeat your brand.

Use big, bold, colorful images – Images speak louder than words and capture your visitor’s attention. Be creative and bold! Put it out there and see what happens.

Compact your menu navigation – Do you have many items under one heading on your navigation bar? A clean navigation makes everything easier to find and creates a better experience for your site’s visitors. Tidy up and make your site easier, make sure the information is easily found.

Make your phone number and hours visible and easy to find – Often the phone number and business hours are buried on the contact page or not on the site at all. Every website should have their phone number and hours visible and easy to locate. So make them prominent on your homepage. The top right corner is usually best – or down in the footer, regardless put it where it can be found easily!

Add a directions widget – Adding a directions widget makes finding your location easy. Google has a free map widget you can add to your site. Now your visitors can just click and they have directions right to your front door. Getting easy directions shows prospective customers you care about them.

Always have an about us page – Who are you? Everyone likes to know who they are doing business with. Put a face on your organization. Add pictures of your team with real bios. Sure, professional experience is awesome, but hobbies, family life, and things you like to do for fun lets your visitors find out who you are. Bottom line: show you are a real human being.

These basics are a big start. Some of them are easy and can be implemented quickly. Once these are done you will be well on your way to a better and BOLDER website. Your website is a journey that never ends and this is step one on the path.

The Prospect Communications Power marketing Team is here to help you get started on that journey. We would love to talk to you and help you along. Let’s chat – this is fun and you can do it!