There are many harmful things that can happen to your website. Recovering from a compromised website (without a backup for recovery) is very time consuming and expensive.

Some of the most common situations that can cause a need for a website backup are:iStock_000010980641-FrogWithWrench

1. A Failed Server Hard Drive

Web servers are made up of electronic components that can go bad, especially hard drives. If the hard drive crashes or the web server goes  down, you may not be able to recover your website information, or at least not recover it quickly.

2.  Your Website Gets Hacked

The latest statistics state that a website is being hacked every 5 seconds, that’s over 17,000 per day. It’s not just the big name companies that get hacked, many small and medium size businesses, and non-profit organizations get hacked.

3. You Make a Mistake Updating Your Website

Sometimes installing that new plugin or updating your Content Management System (CMS) can corrupt your site and cause it to not work properly. Sometimes it is making changes to an area of your website you are not familiar with or adding items to a page  that totally messes up your site.

If you had an up to date backup of your website, then recovery will be a whole lot easier. Otherwise you might be calling an expert to reconstruct your site and you will certainly be spending a lot of time trying to recover. Our advice backup your website and you won’t have to worry!