Because we build websites, we believe strongly that every business should have one. But what kind of website is most appropriate for you? Is it an info packed blog, an image based portfolio, or an ecommerce product catalog. You’ll have to make that decision early in the site building process.

Blog-style sites work best for sites with lots of text. If you need to create a body of information about a particular topic, this format will work well. When building the site, be sure to create smart categories for your content, and include a search function.Websites-SFC

You should always include some images in your blog posts, but for an image-heavy, photography or graphic artist site, portfolio style may be appropriate. Portfolio sites emphasize graphic content and may feature fullscreen photos, slideshows and lightboxes that highlight the visuals.

If you’re planning to sell or display products on your site, an ecommerce site is what you need. These sites will let you enter each of your products into a pre-built structure complete with price, photo, description etc, and make it easy to display your wares. Some ecommerce sites allow bulk uploading of product info from a CSV.

Have a conversation with your web developer to figure out what kind of site you need.